1909年,株式会社栗本铁工所诞生于日本大阪。凭借着百年以来对产业设备制造的不懈追求,在全球范围内赢得了广大用户的信赖与支持。作为加工汽车/工程机械零配件的大型锻造设备制造商,栗本公司已为温锻,热锻领域提供了400多台(套)设备。汽车领域的丰田公司、本田公司、尼桑公司等,工程机械的日立,TOPY等众多汽车制造商及配套零配件供应商都成为栗本铁工所的忠实客户。在多年的技术和经验积累下,栗本公司已成为了高速锻造行业中当之无愧的领头军。 栗本公司主营曲柄式热/温模锻压力机。为了迎合高速自动化锻造,栗本铁工所自行研发的模高自动调整机构,自动送料装置,材料供给装置,模具润滑—,快速换膜装置等多项装置。并且,栗本铁工所是世界上第一家将伺服电机运用在步进梁—的公司。凭着对高品质锻造的执著,栗本在锻造领域中取得了多项专利,满足了广大用户对高速锻造,精密锻造的各种需求。 从用户角度出发思考问题是栗本铁工所的立足之本,用最先进的技术与服务为用户带来最大利益是栗本铁工所的动力源泉。随着汽车和工程机械行业的高速发展,栗本公司的锻压设备在全世界范围内得到广泛应用。进入中国市场仅仅在几年之内,已经导入了13条生产线。与用户之间建立了良好的客户关系。  同时在维修保养以及节能环保方面,栗本力求在高速生产的同时,最大限度的对设备及环境进行保护。加上因以自豪的设计与维护部队,会解决您生产中所遇到的任何问题。  如果可能,栗本公司愿意运用长期积累的丰富经验和专业技术为贵公司锻造工序的现代化建设提供切实可行的方案。相信我们的努力,会成为您走向成功的最大保证。

Since our establishment in 1909, Kurimoto has contributed to building social infrastructures and expanding life lines and industrial equipment, in order to help create a society where people can live in comfort and security. For the next 100 years, in order to become an even more valuable company, we have decided to focus on social infrastructure and industrial equipments as our main business and aim for vibrant business creation and steady and sustainable growth. We contribute to the society by focusing on these business domains, by the implementation of our company philosophy, by manufacturing products that emphasize customer satisfaction, and by helping maintain public utilities and modern society. We practice good management with transparency, and make a constant effort for improvement. In order to continue providing business valuation that people would want to invest in, we strive to deliver active information, emphasize on human resource development, and promote company social responsibility. Kurimoto is committed to promote environmental conservation projects that seek to protect and improve the environment, and to apply high ethical standards with regard to the environment in all of our operations and products. As a business engaged in manufacturing, on the technical side, we pursue innovation by fusing with nanotechnology to our core technology that we have developed over the past 100 years. We have set our eyes on being a strong business that establishes predominance by our unceasing efforts in the improvement of quality, our quick response and the creation of customer oriented products, as we expand our field of activity. From all of our hearts, we wish for you continuous support to Kurimoto.